Apr 26, 2011

The Other Chick

I am pretty random today. So, I have something that bothers my mind. That is THIS friend who is really bothering. I am not saying that I don't like her or whatsoever but it's just she is annoying. You know, bothering others life while she doesn't want others to bother hers. You are lame!

Anyway, school is quite good. Okay, maybe it's me thinking that school is lame but actually it's not. The time passes so quickly. I've just noticed that next year, I'll graduate from junior high school and I'm gonna wear the grey skirts. :D It seems like I've just worn the blue skirt yesterday. Hahaha.. I don't feel like growing up. There are so many things to deal with when you've grown up. You know, college thingy. I'm planning to study overseas. I'd rather be anywhere but here. I know it's a stupid thought. I know that as soon as I stay there, I will miss my family and friends. But yes, for the first times in my life, I want to be apart from everybody. Starting a new life, making a major changes. I can feel it already.

The freedom. The sadness. The creepy things that I'll experience soon. I just ... Alright, too much dream could actually killing you slowly. -__-

Anyway, open this BLOG, if you are an Indonesian. You'll laugh your ass off. HAHAHA.
Going to sleep.

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