May 15, 2011

We Run The NIght

Hello. After days of stomachache, I finally feel better now. I don't know what happened to me. It was since Friday, I was back from school and I had my dinner, and suddenly this seriously annoying stomachache came to me. And after tons of medicines, I'm still that bad. So I skipped my tuition. All I did was laying on the bed. Whenever I stood or walked, my stomach would spin and I felt like I wanna threw out. And I really feel like crap. Ergh..

Anyway, today's the party. I had so much fun. Well, they played games, sang, danced. It's totally nice. But I don't have any of the pictures. I know, I'm that lame. .__. But if they could always be like that in the class time, I would really cherish every moment of my junior high school time. Let's wish for good. :)

And happy birthday to Christy and Jessica. Wish you two all the best!

Oh yea, happy birthday too to my not-too-old-uncle lol. He's turning 20 today. Heheheheh. I'm waiting for the treat, okayyy!? Get a girlfriend quick lol!

Alright, good night!


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