May 20, 2011

Get Ya

Well, hello. The last three days of freedom. Sucks. The first day of test will be physics, which I'm not good at. :s And anyway, Vampire Diaries Finale Season is absobloodylutely GREATTT! You guys should watch it! But well, the season 3 is on September! This is no good. I'm craving for the episodes every bloody second of my life! And now wtf??!! But I have been watching a new series of TV show. GLEEEE. I copied it from Sir Andy. He is the best teacher ever. Well, sometimes he is annoying but yeas he is kind. :)

Anyway, I'm not cool with school stuff. Well, not the study thing, but the people thing. I'm not being rude but they are fucking gigolo - lol this is what Metaurine taught me! Yes, they are FUCKING GIGOLO. I don't know why they hate me or what. Okay, I'm saying this. GO GET A LIFE YOU BITCH! YOU KNOW WHAT, WHY DON'T YOU JUST TAKE CARE OF YOUR OWN BUSINESS RATHER THAN KEEP INTERFERING MY LIFE? AND WHY, WHY IN THE WORLD YOU GUYS KEEP CALLING ME WITH THAT TARZAN OR WHATSOEVER. YOU KNOW YOU ARE ANNOYING! AND FOR THE UMPTEENTH TIME I TELL YOU, WATCH YOUR MOUTH! OH YEA, THANK YOU FOR YOUR FUCKING BULLSHITTING MOUTH YOU HAVE THERE.

In the past, I used to think that making fun of others is just fun. You know, I'm still so naive those days. And as I grow up, I think it was so harsh of me of making fun of others and I'm sorry for what I've done. I apologize. You don't need to tell me that it is embarrassing, I know it is. Because I did it twice and immediately regret it like ever. But yea, although I regret it, I felt a kind of feeling, a feeling you get after you apologize to someone because you know you was wrong. And it was relieving. I just hope people could think about the shyness of the people who apologizes. If someone apologize to me, I would gladly accept his or her apology without any second thought. It is a prove of braveness, not a prove of losing. Imagine if you're the one who's apologize but the people whom you apologize to, doesn't accept your apology. Now you know.

Well, talking about prom, I'm mix-and-matching dresses for Thea. Well, if I'm not going to prom, I'm not gonna miss the mix-and-match part of Thea's night. :p
She's planning to use this.
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But I'm suggesting this for her. She'll look cute if she wears this.
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Well, this is what I want for myself. It is awesome! Once I see this dress, I know it'll fit me. < 3
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When you get the chance, run. Don't let it haunt you.

Alright, these are all for today.
Signing off,

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