Feb 7, 2011

Super Bass


Today is Monday, which means today is the last day of the holiday. Ahh. Kind of relieved that school starts tomorrow but - my old habit - I am now so not in the mood of school because lack of sleep. I slept at one last night. So so so sleepy. What was I doing? Right, I am cleaning my nails. I tried the nail polish yesterday and it turned out REALLY REALLY BAD. So I went downstairs to take my mom's nail polish remover but then I saw the clock, it's already midnight. So I opened my the door slowly, checked the drawer, searched and kept searching then I realized something. MY MOM HAD THROWN THE NAIL POLISH REMOVER OUT LAST YEAR. CRAP!

Okay. So I was like "I'm gonna be dead tomorrow. My nails will look like argghhhh" I don't know what to do. So I tried to wash it with water and soap, then used the stone - I don't know what stone is that - to scratch my stupid nail. I walked to mom's room again then took mom's lightening toner - don't ask me why I took that. I was panic - and poured it to the cotton and wiped my poor nail. It was better. Hohhh. Finally. So that's why I went to sleep at one. Then just now, after I got home from Corpus, I found out the nail polish remover is at the drawer. WHAT A CRAP!

Well, I'll post more tonight. Not sure though. Because tomorrow is school day and I need to do my project about that shit HTML.


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