Dec 11, 2011

We Go Up

Sagittarius Compatibility

Sagittarius-Aries:Aries and Sagittarius pair is sent directly from the heavens. Both of them will keep each other with good humor. Intelligent decisions, mutual agreements and consensus will help them grow the compatibility to new heights. Sagittarius people are very creative and artistic and these two characters can inspire an Aries with lot of energy. Just watch the conversation between an Arian and the Sagittarius person; in fact, both of them are lively and energetic while talking about new ideas and issues. Both of them are very charming and intuitive in the relationship

Sagittarius-Taurus:The Taurus with Sagittarius typifies the romance based on opposites attract. While there are some similar traits that are common to both the zodiac members, there are some severe divergences in their most defining traits. While the Taurus is a calm, balanced and sensible individual, the Sagittarian is most free spirited, energetic and restless. The most major sign of incompatibility is that while the Taurus-born is most likely to be possessive and jealous, the Sagittarius is freedom loving and enjoys his or her space. The protective and somewhat controlling nature of the Taurus can be a serious irritant for their partner.

Sagittarius-Gemini:In terms of zodiac wheel Gemini and Sagittarius are on the opposite sides and as an age old saying both the opposites attract each other a lot. Gemini with Sagittarius believes in giving space in a relationship to their partner and also not tries to become too clingy or pushy. Both the partners in this Gemini with Sagittarius combination doesn’t compress their relation into stale habits and doesn’t also demand emotional commitment. Both the partners in this association follows the style of holding each other loosely as they tend to become philosophical when one of the two partners feel like moving on from the relationship. They might separate many a times but the chances of their reunion remains very bright.

Sagittarius-Cancer:The clashes between Cancer and Sagittarius can be minimized if they both try to understand each other’s nature. Mutual understanding can work wonders for both the sides. This love match can work out, if both make real efforts in a similar direction. They can make a good match only if they accept each other’s faults as well as appreciate their qualities. Sagittarians should become little responsible towards their family and should dedicate more time towards the family matters. This will make Cancer happy. At the same time, Cancer should act little adventurous so that they can make their counterpart happy.

Sagittarius-Leo:Sex is great when these two signs are together as both of them love having fun and live life to the fullest. They can never get bored of each other as they enjoy each other. Leo and Sagittarius are very passionate and ardent which makes them a good team and their strong compatibility will make their relationship flourish. They are energetic and creative together which makes life fun for them. Talking of the negative aspect, Sagittarius does not take feelings and emotions seriously which may hurt Leo’s vulnerable side.

Sagittarius-Virgo:They like to deal with different aspect of life and experience it in full. Virgos like to take it slow and steady, whereas Sagittarius is impatient and likes to speed up things. Their biggest advantage is that both Virgo and Sagittarius are extremely adjusting and cooperating. They are very giving and can do anything to make the other comfortable and happy. Both these signs are filled with self-pride, confidence and dignity. This makes their pair very well bonded and close.

Sagittarius-Libra:For the Libra and Sagittarius couple, there are a fair number of issues to deal with. Firstly, the Sagittarius needs to accept the Libran demand for settlement and consistency. They need to communicate well with the Libran rather than looking for comfort from other sources in times of trouble. On the other hand, the Libra – born should not be anxious about their partner’s commitment to them to the extent of being completely paranoid. Also, both individuals will benefit from a relationship based on mutual gains from adjustment and learning – the Sagittarius can guide the Libran in matters of practical application, while the latter can help their partner with their emotional unavailability and inexpressiveness.

Sagittarius-Scorpio:A lot of people think that the opposite nature of these two zodiac signs, Scorpio, being a water sign and a Sagittarius being the fire sign helps in keeping up the attraction between them alive. It is true to some extent, but it comes at a high cost and is tough to maintain. Scorpio is the ultimate passionate creature and Sagittarius is the epitome of romance. This is definitely an excellent combination but it is not as easy as it sounds. This is because; the basic perspective of relationships is very different for both these signs.

Sagittarius-Sagittarius:The Sagittarius and Sagittarius couple enjoy each other’s company, and share a common passion for adventure as well as an imperative restiveness to travel and explore the world. Small mindedness, on the other hand, is an objectionable trait according to all Sagittarius and all such individuals are regarded as repugnant by them, even if it is their own partner. A Sagittarius couple also shares an inexplicable fervour, an elevated state of mind, and an evolutionary attitude towards life.

Sagittarius-Capricorn:For this unique couple, which is the perfect extrovert with introvert match, the future of their romantic liaison depends on how willing and open both partners are to change. The moody Capricorn is often comes across as a brooding wet blanket to their partner, and the Sagittarius farfetched visions and empty words may be a drain on the former’s patience. While there are areas of conflict, such relationships often progress into stages of mutual gain as both are able to grow as individuals due to association with the other. Thus, it is a fair conclusion that the Sagittarius with Capricorn relationship has the potential to be a long lasting and meaningful journey.

Sagittarius-Aquarius:For the Sagittarius and Aquarius couple it is very important that both partners keep introspecting and reviewing their actions, which is inherently against their nature, to ensure the relationship survives for the long haul. The main reason for problem in this liaison is that the free spirited attitude of both partners may lead to an affair that is very casual, without either individual realizing it. Thus, it is important that both keep on analyzing where they are headed as a couple and what the future is likely to be. Thereafter, these feelings need to be communicated to the partner so that a mutual understanding is established as how things should progress.

Sagittarius-Pisces:Sagittarius and Pisces pairing of two different zodiac signs is actually the romantic pairing of two very different, changeable and curious individuals. Both Sagittarius and Pisces meet each other sincerely with positive attitude towards love and open to each other for showing an altogether new world of romantic experiences. While Sagittarius flirt directly with their partner, the Pisces feels startled with the over the top romantic behaviour of their Sagittarian partner. The friendly behaviour and trustworthiness of a Sagittarian helps in bringing out the spontaneous attitude of Pisces so that they can part actively in the game of dating. The dating experience of this odd couple can actually be fun if both the partners make most out of their romantic evening no matter where they are heading for. 

Copied from Zodiac Facts

Hello hey hi!

So, how are you guys? Me? Great, wonderful. Life's been treating me good. Perfect friends, perfect boyfie, it's just perfect. Well, still have some things in my mind, but I'm sure everything will be just fine when its time has come. 

Exam is in three days and I haven't prepared much. Tuition scheduled even on Sunday. That doesn't help much. Well, that's okay. I love going to tuition though. :p Andrew, Jessie and everybody. :p

I've been following ZodiacFacts twitter account and I always scroll down her page whenever I have time. Favorited some of her tweets.

Random cropping.

Dear A,
I know this first month doesn't go very well. With people and stuff. But we'll fix it. Because I really want things to work. I really like you. Please promise me that you'll never leave me, that you'll stay even when things get hard and don't turn out good. I'm not promising you a perfect relationship. But as long as you're trying, I'm staying. :)

Have a good night peeps. 

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