Apr 28, 2012


Yes, my national tests are O-V-E-R OVERRRR!

Um you know what, let's just skip to the part where I tell you that this is the most boringest holiday I've ever had even though it's only been like 48 hours. I mean, look at me, I wake up at 8 and then watch Bridesmaids and then have breakfast and then wait till 12 and take my bath and then play Secret Builder (uber cute) till 3, eat my super late lunch, online, dinner, watch TVD online, brush my teeth and sleep. For God's sake, what kind of people am I? Sir Andi's totally right when he said I'd miss school when it's holiday. He's damn right. Now, I feel like a dead person typing this with messy grammar. And you know what, it's not like I have friends to go out with and it's not like dad will be willingly take me here and there because he's like going out of town on May till I don't know when. The point is, duh, I hate living like this. I still have Juna and corpus and Mandarin and stuff, but you know, it's better if I do something useful, like if I have a part-time job or if I take classes like cooking class or sewing class or whatever.

I don't even know what I'm talking about.

Anyway, call me obsessed but I really love moustache.

Andd I actually curled my hair last Thursday. And it looks like shit. And it doesn't last that long sooo yea.

I know I look creepy.

I have so much shit in my head right now. It's just hard. So hard.

I'll see you in a bit.

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