May 26, 2012

Happy Boring Day

Do you ever do something, and then wonder how many people are currently doing the same thing as you?
Yea, sort of.

When's the last time the power went out in your house?
Wednesday ugh sucky.

Is there a laundry basket in your room? If yes, what color is it?
No, but there's one outside with the color blue.

Do you like those different flavored Tootsie Rolls?
wtf is tootsie rolls

Do you keep your shoes on a shoe rack, or just throw them somewhere?
Shoe rack, except the one I always wear.

Think of the last verbal argument you were in; what caused it?

Does your refrigerator have one door or two? 

Do you smoosh bugs, or just let 'em go? 
Wellll, depends on what bug it is. 

Do you know anyone who collects stamps? 
My daddy. A long time ago.

Do you have any friends that play instruments?

Do you have any old shoe boxes in your room?
Yes, somewhere behind the new boxes. Mom's, I guess.

What was the last thing you deleted off of your computer?
1D picture.

Do you own any turtleneck sweaters/shirts? 
I do.

When putting up pictures/posters, do you prefer tacks or tape? 

If you had to choose to live inside of one book/book series which would it be, and why?
Vampire Diaries. hihihihihihihihi

What's the strangest band name you've ever heard?
Cherrybelle. If it's even a band. 

What's worse for you; getting yelled at, or getting grounded? 
lol Normally I'm the one who yell at people. But I would feel bad getting yelled at. 

What would be the worst thing to get grounded from? (Phone, computer, ect.)

Are you a fan of Michael Jackson's music?
No, not really.

Do you like toilet paper to roll under or over?

Are there any songs you like that are in another language?
Yea, I'm sort of into Big Bang right now. But I only know like one song.

What's one song you can really relate to currently?
Whatever song is fine.

Do you own any band tees? If so, how many? 
None. I know -.-

What are your plans for the Fourth of July? (If you live in America.)
No, I live in the middle of nowhere.

Are there any old dishes in your room?

Have you ever used a fire extenguisher? 

What was the last thing you said out loud? 
Lyrics of songs, yes.

Is there something else that you're supposed to be doing currently? 
Sleep, yes.

Do you ever make your own sound effects for things? 
Yes. Or maybe no.

Do you like Ramen Noodles? If so, what's your favorite flavor? 
No. It tastes like........ idk, cause it's been a long time ago. And I don't like it.

Have you ever read a book all the way through in one day?
No, not really.

If chairs could talk, what do you think they would say? 
Don't sit on my face.

Are there any flat screen televisions in your house? 
umm I guess, it's not a flat screen. 

Do birds chirps outside your windows in the morning?
Yes. Sometimes cocks, as in the real cocks -.-

Do you use a lot of salt? 

Have you ever broken something at someone else's house?

Have you ever done a Chinese fire drill? 
wtf is chinese fire drill

If you had to write a book about your life up until now would it be an interesting read, or would it be boring?
Um it's gonna be half interesting half boring.

When was the last time you ate a cupcake?
.......... last month

What's the best song to sing when you're about to let out a fart? 

Have you ever written anything on a bathroom wall or door?
Never. I wish I did. :P

Ever open a bag of chips in the grocery store and eat them before paying?
No, I'm a good-ass.

Would you want your future children to date someone like you as a teenager? 
Definitely yes. :P

Copied from : I AM A SUMMER PIRATE


Tootsie Rolls : Tootsie Roll is a brand of chewy candy that has been manufactured in the United States since 1896. The manufacturer, Tootsie Roll Industries, is based in Chicago, Illinois.
It was the first penny candy to be individually wrapped.

Chinese fire drill : A Chinese fire drill is a slang term that has been used by Westerners for more than a century, and is today considered offensive or racist. It is used to describe any situation that is chaotic or confusing.
It is also used to describe an American college prank (also known as red-light green-light) performed by a vehicle's occupants when stopped at a traffic light, especially when there is a need to change drivers or get something from the trunk. Before the light changes to green, each occupant gets out, runs around the vehicle, and gets back inside (but not necessarily in his or her original seat). If one of the participants lags, the others may drive off without him or her.

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