Oct 5, 2011

Love Hate Love

This is Brian. Brian says hi!

Lol. So it's Brian's birthday. It was his birthday. Like two weeks ago or something. And I just posted it now. HEHE Sorry, I know it's late but still, Happy birthday Briannnn! You've been all sweet and kind to me all this time. I'm glad that I know you. So, happy birthday. Study hard this yearrrr! :)

Actually, after I think and think and think, I am too boyish. Look, I wear shorts everyday. I rarely wear skirts. My boy friends are a lot more than my girl friends. Well, I still hang out with girls but don't you think that I am too boyish? Well, skip the boyish part. I know I'm not feminine. :p

Anyway, hello there. I know you are reading this. Thanks for the earphone, I really appreciate that.

Still trying not to die,

1 comment:

  1. you know me,i open this like everyday
    so have you read 'my blog'?

    and i think you're feminime :)


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