Oct 26, 2011

Hammer Heart

It'll be November soon. Time flies so fast. *sigh*

The picture above was taken after I went home from a wedding. It's like a month ago or something, I don't even remember. Goshhh, this year is a mess.

Anywayyyyy, guess what, I'm going to the Halloween party this Saturday. I was reluctant at first, because Cindy said that she wasn't coming and Jessie said she was too lazy to go there. But it's not until yesterday, when Andrew said he was going and he kindly asked me to go so that he won't be alone there, so I thought it would be a good idea to go with him and Stanley. To sum it all, Jessie finally agrees to ask her mom if she might go. Let's hope her mom lets her, or Ill end up with Andrew and Stanley. :p

ps. Runny nose. Pathetic. :x


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